The wonders of Surah Al-ikhlas (Part 7)

>> Thursday, June 11, 2009

Anas bin Malik reports a Hadis that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was heard saying "whosoever reads Qul Huwallahu Ahad once, he will be blessed.

Whosover reads the same twice, he and his family will be blessed.

Whosoever reads it thrice, he, his family and his neighbours will be blessed.

Whosover read Surah Al-ikhlas 12 times, Allah will build 12 castles for him in heaven.

In the event Surah Al-ikhlas is read 100 times, the reader's sins (dosa kecil) for a period of 50 years will be pardoned except sins which are acquired as a result of blodshed and over property.

If Surah Al-ikhlas is read 200 times, the reader's sins for a period of 100 years will be pardoned and whosoever read Qul Huwallahu Ahad 1,000 times, Allah will, before the reader's death, show to him or give the reader visions of his place in heaven.


The wonders of Surah Al-ikhlas (Part 6)

>> Monday, June 08, 2009

Anas bin Malik reports a Hadis that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was heard saying - "whosoever reads Qul Huwallahu Ahad 10 times, Allah will build a castle in heaven for him. Whosoever reads it 20 times, Allah will build for him 2 castles in heaven. Whosoever reads the same 30 times, Allah will build for him 3 castles in heaven".

Umar bin Khatab responded by saying "Messenger of Allah (pbuh), if that is the case there will be plenty of castles for us in heaven".

The Messenger of Allah responded by saying "Allah is wider than that". Meaning - in so far as Allah is concerned, the number of castles is immaterial and building them is a simple task.


The wonders of Surah Al-ikhlas (Part 5)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said "whosoever reads Surah Al-ikhlas to a sick person who eventually dies, his corpse will not smell foul when in his grave".

Yet there is another hadis which says that there will be no ill words spoken against the deceased while in his grave, the deceased will not experience the narrowing of his grave and the Angels will carry the deceased with thier wings to cross shiratol mustaqim till he reaches heaven.

It is also reported via Hadis by Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) had said - "whosoever reads Qul Huwallahu Ahad (Surah Al-ikhlas) 50 times, his sins for 50 years will be pardoned.


The wonders of Surah Al-ikhlas (Part 4)

>> Sunday, June 07, 2009

One day while the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was sitting in a mosque in Madinah, a group of Muslims brought a body of a fellow deceased muslim to the mosque for purposes of performing his final rights and to be prayed upon.

When Prophet Mohammad's (phuh) followers and friends requested the Prophet (pbuh) to perform the final rights and to pray upon the deceased, the Prophet (pbuh) asked "is this person leaving behind debts?" The Prophet's (pbuh) friends and followers answered "Yes, he leaves behind a debt of 4 dirhams".

The Prophet (pbuh) responded to his followers and friends and said "I will not perform the final rights and pray upon a person who dies leaving behind debts. As such you are to perform the final rights on him".

At that very moment, Angel Jibril arrived and said "Mohammad, Allah send his salam to you and I have been asked to tell you that Allah commanded me to appear in the form of this deceased person and pay on his behalf all his debts. Stand up therefore, and perform his final rights and pray upon him as Allah has already pardoned him. Whosoever, joins in to perform the final rights and pray upon the deceased with you will also be pardoned by Allah".

Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) asked Angel Jibril "Hai Jibril, where from did this person get this honour?".

Jibril answered "he is honoured because he recited Qul Huwallahu Ahad 100 times a day without fail".

The verse Qul Huwallahu Ahad or Surah Al-ikhlas, contains within it, the characteristics of Allah and also praises. This Hadis teaches us that Allah will settle the debts of anyone before his death if he reads Surah Al-ikhlas 100 times a day.


The wonders of Surah Al-ikhlas (Part 3)

One day a man confided into the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) complaining how hard a life he was living. This man sought the guidance of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and requested that he be thought a simple ritual that he could practise so that his difficulties and his life burden can be lifted.

In response, The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) urged the man to offer his salam and read Surah Al-ikhlas 3 times each time he entered his house. In the event he returned to an empty house, he was asked to offer the salam to The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and while entering the house, he was asked to read Surah Al-ikhlas 3 times.

The man returned home and practised what he was thought, and to his surprise, not only his situation (rezeki) became better but also the situation (rezeki) of his neighbours.


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