The wonders of Surah Al-ikhlas (Part 4)

>> Sunday, June 07, 2009

One day while the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was sitting in a mosque in Madinah, a group of Muslims brought a body of a fellow deceased muslim to the mosque for purposes of performing his final rights and to be prayed upon.

When Prophet Mohammad's (phuh) followers and friends requested the Prophet (pbuh) to perform the final rights and to pray upon the deceased, the Prophet (pbuh) asked "is this person leaving behind debts?" The Prophet's (pbuh) friends and followers answered "Yes, he leaves behind a debt of 4 dirhams".

The Prophet (pbuh) responded to his followers and friends and said "I will not perform the final rights and pray upon a person who dies leaving behind debts. As such you are to perform the final rights on him".

At that very moment, Angel Jibril arrived and said "Mohammad, Allah send his salam to you and I have been asked to tell you that Allah commanded me to appear in the form of this deceased person and pay on his behalf all his debts. Stand up therefore, and perform his final rights and pray upon him as Allah has already pardoned him. Whosoever, joins in to perform the final rights and pray upon the deceased with you will also be pardoned by Allah".

Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) asked Angel Jibril "Hai Jibril, where from did this person get this honour?".

Jibril answered "he is honoured because he recited Qul Huwallahu Ahad 100 times a day without fail".

The verse Qul Huwallahu Ahad or Surah Al-ikhlas, contains within it, the characteristics of Allah and also praises. This Hadis teaches us that Allah will settle the debts of anyone before his death if he reads Surah Al-ikhlas 100 times a day.


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