The wonders of Surah Al-ikhlas (Part 7)

>> Thursday, June 11, 2009

Anas bin Malik reports a Hadis that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was heard saying "whosoever reads Qul Huwallahu Ahad once, he will be blessed.

Whosover reads the same twice, he and his family will be blessed.

Whosoever reads it thrice, he, his family and his neighbours will be blessed.

Whosover read Surah Al-ikhlas 12 times, Allah will build 12 castles for him in heaven.

In the event Surah Al-ikhlas is read 100 times, the reader's sins (dosa kecil) for a period of 50 years will be pardoned except sins which are acquired as a result of blodshed and over property.

If Surah Al-ikhlas is read 200 times, the reader's sins for a period of 100 years will be pardoned and whosoever read Qul Huwallahu Ahad 1,000 times, Allah will, before the reader's death, show to him or give the reader visions of his place in heaven.


Muslim juga June 11, 2009 at 11:26 PM  

Pengetahuan Tuan Harris berkenaan dengan ugama Islam boleh dikatakan hebat juga. Teruskan dengan usaha Tuan. Ini merupakan satu dakwah kepada dunia secara keseluruhannnya kerana blog Tuan dibaca oleh ramai orang dari luar negara.
Tahniah Tuan.
Dalam masa yang sama jangan lupa PKR kerana PKR Raub juga perlukan Tuan

Harris Sidhu Al-Hajj June 11, 2009 at 11:34 PM  

Terima kasih Muslim Juga ... banyak lagi yang perlu dipelajari.
Anyway, party tetap party - lawan tetap lawan

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