The wonders of Surah Al-ikhlas (Part 2)

>> Saturday, June 06, 2009

Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said: -

“Hai Aisyah, don't you ever sleep before you do 4 things: -

1. Read the whole Holy Quran;
2. Make all Prophets to stand by you and protect you on Judgment day;
3. Make all mukmins agree and be with you;
4. Perform your Haj and umrah."

Having said such, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) went to perform his prayers and Saidatina Aisyah remained in her room. After Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) had completed his prayers, Saidatina Aisyah said: -

"Messenger of Allah (pbuh), your ransom be my father and mother, the request to peform 4 things before sleeping cannot be performed by me".

Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) smiled and said -

"when you read Qul Huwallahu Ahad 3 times, it is as if you have the read the whole Holy Quran. When you offer the selawat to me and the Prophets before me, we will bless (syafaat) you on judgment day. And when you ask for the forgiveness of all mukmins, for sure they will all agree and be with you. When you read Subahanallah, Walhamdulillah, Walaillahaillallah, Wallahu Akbar it means to say that you have performed your Haj and Umrah".

In assence, this Hadis suggest that all Muslims, must, before sleeping read -

1. Surah Al-ikhlas 3 times
2. Offer the Selawat to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and all Prophets before him is this form - Allahumma Sholli ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa ali Muhammad wa’ala jami’il anbiyaai wal mursalin;
3. Ask to be forgiven all mukmins by way of a doa (prayer) in this form - Allahummaghfirlil muslimina wal muslimat, wal mukiminina wal mukminat 3 times .
4. Recite Subahanallah, Walhamdulillah, Walaillahaillallah, Wallahu Akbar Wala haula wala quwwata illa billahil ‘aliyyil ‘adzim 3 times.

God willing, you will be protected in this world and in the hereafter


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